Monday, May 24, 2010

Somehow I'm in the middle of reading three books

Oh no! How did this happen? I'll tell you how: Was down to 1 book from library, so I had no choice but to start it to have something to read even though it didn't look very good, turns out, it is pretty good, THEN got another book from library, for some reason started that book as well. Saturday I got yet ANOTHER book from the library and since I was riding in a car (not driving) with nothing to do, I started reading it. Help. I have problems.
I'm reading Tantalize by Cynthia Smith, Valiant: A Modern Fairie Tale by Holly Black, as well as Bond of Blood; A Texas Vampire Novel by Diane Whiteside.

Sadly I also have started two accelerated summer classes so I won't be finishing any of them with the quickness, but so far I think Valiant is the best.
