Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Getting Copies of Books and publicity

From looking at others blogs, some blog writers say things like 'oh I can't request ARC's because my mailbox runnith over with books I didn't even request and I don't have time to read them all'


How is this happening?!! I have read to request ARC's from publishers. I don't exactly know what that means. Say a book is published by Penquin, am I supposed to contact Penquins marketing department and tell them the book name? And repeat each time? 

Also, I have tried repeatedly to get on the YA book blog directory in hopes of increasing my followers with the idea that more followers = more free books, however I can't seem to get on the list?! If anyone has an 'in' with the blogger over there please let her know that I am a unique blog. Unique meaning, last time I checked for my blog I was VERY excited to see I had been added. Kind of. Instead of 'Hey read this book' there was a blog titled 'Read this Book'. After following the link I realized that this is not my blog and I am thinking when she receives my requests she thinks I am already on the list.

How do you receive ARC's? I don't even care if they are ARC's or just new releases, or books in my YA genre that aren't receiving a lot of press etc.

You know you love me

WG (writer girl)

(I'm currently reading GG novels and HAD to do it. I won't do it again though, promise)


Mei said...

I've been getting a few ARC's through GoodReads...
But if you hear of other avenues, please let me know!

Ashley Delgado said...

Well, in regards to getting more followers, I will gladly follow you. Very nice blog. I would appreciate if the sentiment were returned. :)